Nature Quotes

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These nature quotes give us the opportunity to reconnect with nature without going out into the wilderness. The quotations found here are pointed while displaying a sincere overview of the important role that nature plays in our lives on a daily basis.

The neat thing about the following nature quotes is that they will have you longing for your favorite season of the year.

All my life I have tried to pluck a thistle and plant a flower wherever the flower would grow in thought and mind.
-Abraham Lincoln

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.
-Albert Camus

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
-Albert Camus

Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. He will end by destroying the earth.
-Albert Schweitzer

In June as many as a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day. No man can heed all of these anniversaries; no man can ignore all of them.
-Aldo Leopold

I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it.
-Alice Walker

Ocean: A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a world made for man - who has no gills.
-Ambrose Bierce

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
-Anais Nin

Occasionally I have come across a last patch of snow on top of a mountain in late May or June. There's something very powerful about finding snow in summer.
-Andy Goldsworthy

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.
-Anne Bronte

There is a muscular energy in sunlight corresponding to the spiritual energy of wind.
-Annie Dillard

Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy - your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. It takes you to a place within yourself.
-Annie Leibovitz

Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space.
-Ansel Adams

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
-Anthony J. D'Angelo

Let us learn to appreciate there will be times when the trees will be bare and look forward to the time when we may pick the fruit.
-Anton Chekhov

Flowers are without hope. Because hope is tomorrow and flowers have no tomorrow.
-Antonio Porchia

Nature Quotes Page 2

If one way be better than another, that you may be sure is nature's way.

In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous.

I've made an odd discovery. Every time I talk to a savant I feel quite sure that happiness is no longer a possibility. Yet when I talk with my gardener, I'm convinced of the opposite.
-Bertrand Russell

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.
-Carl Reiner

Let the gentle bush dig its root deep and spread upward to split the boulder.
-Carl Sandburg

In wilderness, I sense the miracle of life, and behind it, our scientific accomplishments fade to trivia.
-Charles Lindbergh

I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.
-Claude Monet

It is only in the country that we can get to know a person or a book.
-Cyril Connolly

Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top. Then you will see how low it was.
-Dag Hammarskjold

One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.
-Dale Carnegie

A forest of these trees is a spectacle too much for one man to see.
-David Douglas

Understanding the laws of nature does not mean that we are immune to their operations.
-David Gerrold

Fall is my favorite season in Los Angeles, watching the birds change color and fall from the trees.
-David Letterman

Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary, and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains.
-Diane Ackerman

There's always a period of curious fear between the first sweet-smelling breeze and the time when the rain comes cracking down.
-Don DeLillo

Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.
-Doug Larson

The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful.
-e. e. cummings

Nature quotes are not quite as powerful as nature itself. However, they seem to hold their own.

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